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May 23, 2022Student Loans – Joe Biden Might Be Right About
Student Loans
The Democrat has the authority to cancel student loan debt. The plan is to cancel up to $10,000 per
borrower, but how will this affect 43 million borrowers and millennials? Read on to find out more. Also,
we’ll explain why a Democrat might be right about student loans, and how this will affect millennials and
borrowers. In the meantime, we’ll have to wait and see.
Democrat has authority to cancel student loan debt
In the past, a Democratic president has been hesitant to use his executive powers to help Americans with
student debt. But that hasn’t stopped Democratic lawmakers from pushing for Biden to use his authority to
help students with their debt. During a town hall last month, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said
Biden has the authority to cancel student debt through an executive order, despite his disbelief that he
doesn’t have the authority.
While progressive Democrats have repeatedly called for Biden to unilaterally cancel student debt, other
Americans are less than impressed. Three-quarters of voters with student loan debt dissatisfaction said
they didn’t approve of the current president, despite the fact that 38% of those who had student loans have
already paid off their loans. Meanwhile, 34% of voters had never had a student loan to begin with. In
contrast, a majority of Americans believe that Congress and President Biden have the authority to cancel
student loan debt. While only 13% of voters said they think Congress alone has the authority to cancel
student debt, the rest of the country attributed that power to Congress. Ultimately, 17 percent of voters
said they believed that President Biden has the authority to cancel student debt.
Also Read: 10 Days From Today
The president has the authority to cancel student debt, but he hasn’t done it yet. But this time, he’s getting
pressure from a group of Democratic lawmakers. Senator Warren is pressing President Biden to release a
memo on the matter. The document will clarify whether Biden’s memo will be legally sound and clear
about the details. Further, the letter also states that a Democrat has the authority to cancel student loan
debt, but not to use the information for personal use.
Plan to cancel $10,000 per borrower
The Biden administration is considering a new plan to cancel up to $10K of student loans per borrower.
The plan would allow the federal government to waive the interest and monthly payments for borrowers
with a low income. The plan is expected to be implemented in the next few weeks. But first, a quick look
at the details. In an email to reporters, Biden said that he is “very much open to discussing all the details
with the White House.”
While many Democrats support the proposal, Republicans have opposed it, claiming it would benefit
upper-class voters. And there’s been a growing chorus of progressives calling for a universal student loan
forgiveness program. On Thursday, student debt activists rallied outside of the White House to protest
Biden’s proposal. They say that he is not going far enough in canceling only $10,000 per borrower. They
say means-testing and imposing income caps is an unacceptable solution. Rep. Mondaire Jones has also
been critical of the plan.
The Biden plan to cancel ten grand worth of student loans per borrower is a good thing for students, but it
won’t help everyone. It will mainly benefit those who can afford private education. Many of these
students are from low-income families and cannot afford to attend elite institutions. In the meantime,
millions of American citizens are paying off their student loans, and they don’t want to have a financial
burden that’s too high to handle.
Since the original Obama administration extended the 0% interest rate on student loans, it’s unclear
whether President Biden will extend the plan beyond its original deadline of August 31, 2020. However,
some progressives are pushing for a legislative path for up to $10,000 per borrower. This plan was a
major campaign pledge, but was not included in the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill. This means that the
plan will likely go the executive order route and only benefit a small group of borrowers.
Impact on 43 million borrowers
While Joe Biden’s proposal would cancel the debt of 43 million students, it’s not as simple as signing a
paper. People have to make monthly payments on loans. And the government isn’t going to give free
money to people who can’t afford it. In fact, this policy is increasing the amount of unpaid student loans,
and the President’s recent moratorium on repayment is only exacerbating the problem.
While President Biden hasn’t yet publicly explained why he’s planning to extend the moratorium until
August, it’s not clear how much longer he’ll do it. Senators have been calling for the Biden Administration
to do more, especially because the amount of borrowers who have defaulted on their loans is so high. The
Biden administration is still considering options for student debt forgiveness, and he’s talking to members
of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus to see how these changes might affect their constituents.
The proposal is likely to face strong opposition from a number of groups, including lawmakers and
college students. In the last few days, he’s made no concrete proposals on this issue, but his remarks on
the Senate floor are a hopeful sign. Among these groups, he’s the most popular candidate for vice
president. The Vice President said on Thursday that he’s still considering the issue. The idea is to phase
out the benefit, but Biden did not offer details about the benefits of the policy.
In the meantime, however, the president is likely to announce his decision to cancel student debt. Earlier
this year, Biden said he’d be open to canceling debts of up to $ 10,000 for students. But now, he’s open to
canceling higher amounts. He’s also open to forgive debts owed to public colleges. If this goes through,
it’ll be good news for 43 million borrowers.
Impact on millennials
As a vice presidential candidate, Joe Biden is likely to push for broad student loan forgiveness. This
would be a popular issue for a party to run on in the fall. Many older Americans are facing high student
loan debt, and many are at risk of having their Social Security payments garnished. If Biden can get
enough support for this issue in Congress and the White House, he might just be able to get this done.
In the past, the Biden administration has extended pauses in student loan payments through September 30.
While that pause in student loan payments is a welcome relief for many struggling millennials, it may also
leave borrowers with more debt. While Biden has made promises to address the student loan debt crisis,
his administration is still working on a comprehensive student loan forgiveness plan. The Vice President
wants Congress to draft a bill that would allow the government to cancel up to $10,000 of federal student
debt per borrower. Many ranking members of Congress have urged Biden to use his executive authority to
cancel student debt. In addition to providing relief to the student loan crisis, this could also prevent
borrowers from being hit with a tax burden.
The financial crisis and COVID have both devastated the young adult population. While the post-
recession recovery has benefited big industries, millennials are still struggling. The rising cost of higher
education is depriving many young people of the ability to save for retirement or buy a home. In addition,
student debt is preventing young people from fully participating in the economy, contributing to the
growth of the economy.
Impact on middle class
As a candidate for President, Joe Biden has touted legislation to roll back the debt relief law. While it is
true that the President has the power to forgive debt, the proposed bill would benefit only the lowest-
income earners. The pro-middle class economic message has a large number of skeptics, especially those
who oppose the president’s plans for debt cancellation. But despite this criticism, student loan activists are
urging students to “ramp up their efforts.”
The current pause in student loan payments expires in May 2022. As of December 2018, 45 million
Americans had federal student loans. That amount would wipe out the balances of roughly a third of
borrowers. Meanwhile, nearly 20 percent would be left with less than half of their balances. Prior to his
announcement, Biden had a meeting with Hispanic legislators to discuss student debt, and he and his top
advisers heard a report from Harvard University that showed that young Americans are increasingly
politically aware.
Despite his efforts to protect students from bankruptcy, the Obama administration is still reluctant to fully
protect the middle class from this rising tide of debt. In fact, many of these loans are among the most
unpaid debt in the country. Moreover, the impact of this legislation on the middle class is likely to be far
greater than previously thought. The biden student loan reform is a step in the right direction, but the
effects of the new law are still uncertain.
While President Biden vowed to eliminate student loan debt in his second term, it’s important to note that
the relief he aims to provide will be disproportionately targeted toward the upper-income group. As a
result, the relief program is regressive in that it transfers wealth from lower-income workers to high-
income professionals. It would also be a giveaway for wealthy households, which would further
the problem and hinder meaningful efforts to alleviate the college affordability crisis.